Venus’ Butt: Latest Risk Forbodes Sudden Change of Fortune

28 05 2010

Nude on Twitter 404-04

Venus Ebone Starr Williams, five time Wimbledon Champ and holder of the most gold Olympic medals of any active female tennis player of our time rocked the Saturn opposition Jupiter aspect on Sunday, May 23 at the French Open. The disciplined athlete (Saturn) stepped on the court in front of worldwide television (Jupiter) creating a media event in a creative yet controversial frock (Uranus) from her own line of clothing: Eleven. (See more Eleven at:

Is something going on with Venus?

Venus’ frock for the French Open was a fetching see-thru, black laced negligee with flesh-tone shorts. Unlike Americans who posted internet comments like “he looks good in that dress” the French fans wooed the alluring, androgynous, ebony toned, tennis diva with waves of cheers.  It seems the French don’t consider the human body disgusting and the judges didn’t give it a second thought.  Yes, I understand that Venus is an adult.  And yes, I know this is a new age.  But, I still can’t help but wonder why one of the reigning queens of Tennis showed up butt naked at the French Open. Let’s hope she has the good sense to keep her clothing choices conservative for the sake of those stuffy Americans who will show for the U.S. Open in Cincinnati.

Make no mistake, Lil Kim (who likes to reveal a breast or two), Lady Gaga and some more of the Hip Hop crew are crazed.  By now they’ve assigned groupies the job of texting Venus about getting a hold of one of those Elevens.  Funny…right…but what’s really going on here?

Heckles from Online:

From RickWS: Looked more like Uranus Williams. (Is he an astrologer?)

Troymon: What the . . . ? She can’t be comfortable playing in that. (She won!)

Patcase: Absolutely disgusting and her mother should have told her so. (Pat, Venus is almost 30!)

Not only did Venus rock the transiting Saturn opposition Jupiter and Jupiter conjunct Uranus aspects at the French Open, she rocked her very own Saturn-Mars to a 6-3, 6-3 victory over longtime tennis adversary Patty Schnyder in the opening round. I’m sure you’ll agree that this is not an indicator of depression.  A cancellation or a miserable loss might be an indicator of depression, but a sound win is not.

So why the breast and buttocks?

So what does this breast and buttocks showing got to do with anything? Let’s check out Venus’ natal Saturn in Virgo 12th house for clues. If you’re a star gazer like me, you’ll be amazed by all the yods, kites, and mystic triangles in Venus’ chart.

To see a larger view click inside the image once.

Alas, the birth chart is not really telling us what’s up with Venus and her breast and buttocks at the French Open.  Maybe a bi-wheel view with the birth chart on the inside and the transits on the outside will tell a better story.

Notes from the One Minute Astrologer: For those born in the Western Hemisphere the Vertex falls in the 5th thru the 9th houses.  However in a computer generated bi-wheel chart view, the inner chart’s Ascendant leads.  This causes the Vertex in the outer chart to move to other houses.  Email, text, or Twitter me if you don’t get this.

To see a larger view click inside the image once.

For Venus Williams, Sunday May 23, 2010 was suppose to be the end of a difficult phase or cycle in her life.  And on Sunday, transiting Jupiter (the planet of opportunity), and Uranus (the planet of the unexpected) conspired to jumpstart her new phase with a sudden positive change of fortune. But a destructive aspect was at work involving transiting Saturn and the Moon to reverse this intent. Venus gave into this brief yet destructive energy wave and allowed it to spur difficulty in her relationships, raise questions about her notion of reality, and stir outsider interest on how well she’s really fitting in – really.  In an act of egotistical defiance, Venus showed up to the match and put on a display she may never live down in the American west.   Venus needs to realize that what was revealed on Sunday will continue to spin out of control and re-emerge every time transiting Jupiter makes a significant aspect to her natal or transiting Saturn. Will the emergence be positive or negative?  It’s too soon to tell.  Besides, most people don’t know what’s up with Venus.  Most want to give her the benefit of the doubt. They want to understand.

Say, where is Hank?  Hank who you ask?  He’s Venus’ so called love interest.  What kinda beau would allow his sweetheart to bare her breast and buttocks in France?  Answer:  The one you see below.

As you can surmise, there’s been no word from Hank on what’s up with Venus.  Maybe a tabloid like “News of the World” will come up with something.  Even if it’s bogus, it’s better than nothing.

The Desire for Reforms Eclipse has its Say

Because I’m not easily discouraged, I searched for more clues in the Desire for Reforms Eclipse.  I rationalized that since Venus was born on June 21 and the Desire for Reform Eclipse landed on July 21 she may, for better or worse, be impacted by its aspects. My hunch was correct as evidenced in the dual wheel and bi-wheel view of the charts below.  I’m using the two views to illustrate how the inner wheel’s Ascendant affects the outer wheel.  For example, in the dual wheel view we see the natural positions of the charts.  In this view Venus’ Ascendant is in Libra and the Desire for Reforms Eclipse Ascendant is in Capricorn. But take a look at the bi-wheel view.  As you can see Venus’ chart is the inner wheel and her Ascendant remains in the natural position of Libra.  But when coupled with the Desire for Reforms Eclipse on the outside, the view for the outer wheel turns counter clockwise by 4-houses, thus moving the Vertex to the 11th house. The outer wheel’s Ascendant remains in Capricorn but it has moved from the 1st to the 4th house.  Some astrologers will argue for hours about this.  But any controversy would be due to differences in interpretation techniques.  Personally, I like to think that the heavens orbit around the person.  Some believe otherwise.  And, still others believe using a birthchart rather than a solar return or progressed chart for an adult is ludicrous.  Truthfully, everyone’s right if they are able to justify their findings through historical data and actual events.  Here are the charts and my findings.

The Dual Wheel View
To see a larger view click inside the image once.

The Nitty Gritty on Venus: Bi-Wheel View
To see a larger view click inside the image once.

Last Word on Venus

As we can now surmise from the buttocks photo, Venus’ Saturn Return and the Desire for Reform Eclipse a very personal matter involving Venus’ relationships concerning family, love, and business have turned her attention away from public image issues.  Such an oversight can bring on rapid endings, sudden changes and possibly reversals of fortune.

Do you think Venus could be headed toward a rapid ending of her reign on the Tennis Circuit due to this event?

Feel free to leave a comment, send an email, text or twitter me with your answers.  I’ll start the ball rolling by saying, the Desire for Reforms chart is begging Venus to find new ways of balancing, coping, and collaborating in everything she does.  Granted this may be hard for someone who made a home of the Tennis Circuit and achieved iconic status at 25, but struggle she must. Like many other athletes, Venus may need to take a hiatus from the circuit and her iconic Tennis platform to focus and tune in on building a new, very human, down to earth persona. Yeah, I know she launched Eleven for that very purpose but more work is needed in order for the line to mature and furrow out a niche in the marketplace.  In my opinion, any further athletic pursuits and/or achievements by Venus beyond her 5 Wimbledon wins and 3 gold medals is at best gravy and at its worse overkill.  She’s only ranked second in the World behind her sister Serena and that’s after being ranked first for as long as I can remember!

Venus, you need to get a life, a life coach, a good man, an American automobile endorsement, or a high powered tennis racket endorsement, or a sexy sniper rifle, or baby formula endorsement and a good astrologer.  Phooey on those folks who say you don’t need an astrologer – you do!  Just ask Oprah if you don’t believe me! Say Venus, if you don’t have an astrologer, I can direct you to a couple of hundred just waiting to give you a hand at balancing and maximizing all of your trines, yods, kites, mystic triangles, and don’t forget those very lucky stars!


Nude Provocateuse

About the Series: Since the time of the Pharaohs, eclipses have marked our major historical events especially the rise and fall of empires. The Rise of Obama Series (TRO) by The Nude Provocateuse (aka The_Betty) is based on the premise that the Eclipse of August 1, 2008 was the astronomical event opening the road for Barack Obama’s assent to the presidency, and the Desire for Reforms Eclipse of July 21, 2009 is responsible for influencing his 2009-10 political agenda. This series is written as News, Political News, News and Commentary, and serves as basic astrological research not for profit or resale in accordance with the Copyright Act of 1976, 17 USC, Section 107. To learn more about this code go to: or email me at

The Rise of Obama: History in the Making

30 11 2009

Part 23

The Rise of Obama Series (TRO) by The Betty is based on the premise that the Eclipse of August 1, 2008 was the astronomical event opening the road for Barack Obama’s assent to the presidency. Every few blogs, I have to remind my readers of my reasons for tracking the major astronomical events of the Obama Administration.

  1. Obama is the first African American to attain the highest office in the land.
  2. Before he assumed office, Barack Obama received more death threats than any other president-elect in history.
  3. Obama promised to get opposing factions to talk through the myriad of problems in the mid-east.
  4. Barack Obama’s solar return closely aligns itself with the Eclipse of August 1, 2008.

In fact, it appears as if the Eclipse is actually pushing Obama’s Sun forward triggering his winners aspect of Jupiter sextile Vertex and fortifying unlikely political partnerships due to Uranus and the Aries Point along his Descendant. Below is Obama’s Solar Return chart for 2008 and the Eclipse Chart for August 1, 2008. The Solar Return Chart is on the inside and the Eclipse Chart is on the outside.  For a better view of the chart featured below try a double click!

For The Rise of Obama series (TRO) I’ve narrowed my research to Sun and Moon astronomical events called eclipses. Since several occur within a year, I’ve placed my focus on the major astronomical events that coincide or come near to Obama’s Astrological Solar Returns. Like most astrologers, I began working on Obama’s chart from a flawed birth report that allegedly surfaced from the Democratic National Committee. But because I based my research on an astronomical event rather than a birth record, most of my findings remain sound.

During the summer of 2008, most Opinion Polls showed McCain and Obama in a dead heat.  But, on October 1, 2008, some 60-days after the Eclipse of August 1, 2008 Opinion Polls started to change. Obama’s lead went from waffling between 2-4 points to stabilizing at 8-9 points. You can say it was Hiliary. You can say it was Biden. I say it was the Eclipse of August 1, 2008.

The first thing astrologers learn is that when the Moon is tightly configured with several planets and/or significant chart points something major is happening or about to happen.   This has been consistent since the time of the Pharoahs of Egypt when  eclipses were used to mark the major historical events of  their time.  They found eclipses particularly useful in determining famine and the rise and fall of royal dynastys and empires.

The Eclipse of August 1, 2008 and Obama’s Solar Return chart for 2008 includes 10-chart points in the house of the eclipse. This includes 2-Suns, 1-Ascendant, 1-Part of Fortune, 2-Dragons Tails, 2-Mercurys and 2-Venuses, within a 19 degree spread, tightly configured with the Moon in the bi-wheel view.  These 10-chart points appear:

1) In a relational house stimulating partnerships and the raising of status
2) In a succedent house increasing the potential for resources
3)In a string with Venus last at 28 degrees Leo forming a grand trine to chart points in another relational house and growth house.
4)With the South Node or Dragon’s Tail opposing Chiron conjunct Neptune or as I like to call the configuration “painful delusions.”

Below is a graphic view of the 10-chart points comprising Obama’s Solar Return chart for 2008 and the Eclipse Chart for August 1, 2008. The Solar Return Chart is on the inside and the Eclipse Chart is on the outside.

Again, the flawed birth report moved the eclipse event to the 2nd and 3rd houses; however, the emphasis in the flawed chart remained on practical as well as relational affairs.

Remember all the talk about the President not having a strategy for health reform and international affairs. He didn’t. During the eclipse, Obama’s Moon was in the 12th house forming a square to a Disassociated Vertex-Pluto conjunction.  Normally this pair works to stimulate reforms and transformation, but it did not work well in this case and it took Obama a while before he could amass a brain trust to draft it. The first part of the disassociated pair namely the Vertex was in the 3rd house and Pluto can be found in the 4th – 4 degrees apart. At the time of the event, the pair stood astride the Ic.

But the assurance of a win was not in the Eclipse aspect pattern. The Eclipse aspect pattern only positioned Obama with the resources, partnerships and the support he needed to cinch a win. The promise of a win came from Jupiter sextile Vertex in the bi-wheel Eclipse and Solar Return view. What does this mean? Well, if Obama were still State Representative Obama or Private Citizen Obama he could have easily transferred his win to a lottery ticket, bingo hall, reality TV show, or a Friday night Karaoke contest. The bottom line is that, poised for the presidency, he was destined to win. This aspect along with Uranus and the Aries Point stirring up events near the descendant meant that Obama had the positioning to cause an upset.

Hey, we didn’t see all that!

On the contrary, we saw a great deal of upset. Hiliary was most upset and held off on her full support to the very end. Death threats on Obama’s life mounted day by day. People were and some still are – upset. Take this 2009 editorial from Andrew M. Manis an associate professor of history at Macon State College in Georgia that appeared in the Macon Telegraph. It’s called: When Are WE Going to Get Over It?

For much of the last forty years, ever since America “fixed” its race problem in the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts, we white people have been impatient with African Americans who continued to blame race for their difficulties. Often we have heard whites ask, “When are African Americans finally going to get over it? Now I want to ask: “When are we White Americans going to get over our ridiculous obsession with skin color? Recent reports that “Election Spurs Hundreds’ of Race Threats, Crimes” should frighten and infuriate every one of us. Having grown up in “Bombingham,” Alabama in the 1960s, I remember overhearing an avalanche of comments about what many white classmates and their parents wanted to do to John and Bobby Kennedy and Martin Luther King.

Since our recent presidential election, to our eternal shame we are once again hearing the same reprehensible talk I remember from my boyhood.

For those of you who are familiar with my style of astrology, this interpretation would not be complete without confirmation from an Arabic Part. Most notable is the Part of Kings and Sultans conjunct the bi-wheel Ascendant at 27 degrees Virgo, 1st house (some folks just hate this one). The Part of Kings and Sultans ensures Obama the audience of the rulers of the world. The Part of Kings and Sultans is called out in the graphic view of the 10-chart points above.

Now some of my colleagues will point to Saturn and attribute its placement with the Rise of Obama. Frankly, their reasons are sound. But in my research, I’ve never been able to associate Saturn with winning a contest like in an election, or a lottery, or a bingo game. Saturn says “I restrict” so I look at his appearance in the twelfth house of Obama’s chart as the restrictions (due to death threats) he continues to live with as president.

After the election, Obama had to wait 80 or more days before taking office. By that time, the August 1, 2008 Eclipse was nearly 170+ days old. Then Obama’s honeymoon inaugural lasted for another 100-days. Soon it was May and the hard transits to the August 2008 Eclipse Sun found Obama in the midst of a fight with FOX over fair media coverage. When the Desire for Reforms Eclipse debuted on July 21, 2009, Obama had dug in for the long haul on health care, the economic stimulus, withdrawing from Iraq, and re-focusing efforts in Afghanistan. The August 1, 2008 Eclipse still generates audiences with the rulers of the world evidenced by Obama’s recent travels to China, North Korea and his first state dinner in honor of India’s Singh, but the Reforms Eclipse and Obama’s reform platform is now center stage affecting every aspect of his work day, as well as our homes, our lives, and our future.

There are a number of interesting eclipses coinciding with President Obama’s Solar Returns through 2011. Astrologers have already predicted that 2011 will be the year that our global economy will turn around. In my opinion, this predicted turnaround will mark the actual Rise of Obama. For I believe that an African American’s rise to the presidency will mean little unless he’s able to turnaround these dark times. Anything less would pose the risk of Obama being uncharacteristically represented 10 to 100 years from now. Most African Americans don’t want that. We’re still reeling over D.W. Griffith’s “Birth of a Nation.” To make doubly sure this will not happen, The_Betty will be here chronicling astronomical events that mark and define The Rise of Obama.



Clash of the Titans: Obama v McCrystal

26 11 2009
The Rise of Obama – Part 24

President Obama’s address to the nation on Tuesday is an attempt to reform U.S. military positioning that will allow NATO (watch India) a chance to whip Hamid Karzai’s Afghan Army into shape. As you may recall, Hiliary helped clear the way for this strategy by demanding that Karzai get his allied war lords up to speed on the changes that will occur with the upcoming troop build-up. She also warned Karzai of the consequences if he continued to turn a blind eye to the graft and bribery within his government.

Trouble in the House Saturn Rules

On Tuesday, Dec 1, 2009 the transiting Sun will be exactly 130 degrees from the Desire for Reforms Eclipse Sun-Moon. The transiting Sun is headed toward a sesquisquadrate aspect with the Reforms Eclipse Sun. Traditionally, a sesquisquadrate is a 135 degree aspect that brings change and instability.

So be prepared to hear one of Obama’s best ‘rally em to the cause’ speeches yet via transiting Venus in Sagg, 10th house conjunct his Midheaven in Scorpio. He will speak of all things to all people. He will evoke American pride, values, and relationships via transiting Sun conjunct Vertex in Sagg 10th house. As our Commander in Chief, he will convey honesty and humility about agreements that have been broken, transformed, changed, and situations that have become dangerous via the Part of Saturn and the Lots of Manilus in the 7th house of the Reform Eclipse. He will appeal to the heart of Americans as he unveils his new plan for the American troop build-up in Afghanistan. He will speak of reforming America’s vision for Afghanistan due to the Reform Eclipse Sun and Moon trining his Midheaven. But, on December 1, 2009, Obama will be speaking to Americans during a waxing sesquisquadrate aspect between the transiting Sun and the Reforms Eclipse Sun. So expect Obama to unveil changes that may stun some in his own administration breeding anger, jealousy, resentment and a general feeling of instability among the ranks. This instability will give rise to a Saturn-Pluto-Mars conflict, due in large part, to the Saturn conjunct Vertex and Mars conjunct Vertex aspects in the 7th house. This Saturn conjunct Vertex aspect usually conveys trouble in the house Saturn rules. In the Reforms Eclipse Chart, Saturn rules the 11th house where Pluto resides.

The McCrystal Effect

A few months ago, in anticipation of the need for troop build-up in Afghanistan, General McCrystal leaked to the press his desired troop levels and the reasons for this need without clearing it through the White House. This blind-sided members of the Obama Administration who were immediately thrust into media damage control. I predict something similar will happen, and General McCrystal will be the source. But more importantly, this action will be the last straw for Obama due to a Mars conjunct Moon transit in the 4th house squaring his natal Pluto in the 7th. Obama may have to discharge his Obi Wan persona for a time and aggressively deal with The McCrystal Effect. BTW, I did not see General McCrystal on the list of invitees to the White House State Dinner. If I’m wrong, I’ll stand corrected. The triwheel chart below depicts Obama’s Natal chart in the inner wheel, the Reforms Eclipse chart in the middle wheel, and the Afghan Strategy Speech in the outer wheel.

As the transiting Sun makes an exact sesquisquadrate contact to the Eclipse Sun on Sunday, December 6th expect last minute changes due to unraveling details unbeknown to the president during his address to the nation. This will bring a throng of enemies to Obama’s gate with scathing and doubt filled editorial opinions about instability in the ranks. In brief, expect differences in what General McCrystal needs and what the President told the American people he can give to surface. General McCrystal may even try some more ‘one-up-manship’ on his Commander-in-Chief by beating him to the media with precision like leaks in an effort to gain funding and autonomy.

McCrystal is our Pluto and Obama our Mars
In the quadriwheel view Obama’s Natal chart is the innermost, the Reforms chart is the middle inner, the Afghan Speech is the middle outer and the Afghan Sesquiquadrate chart is the outermost. When you examine this view you’ll see that Mars is on the right side of the chart and Pluto is predominately on the left side. McCrystal is our Pluto and Obama our Mars. Obama does have Pluto in the 7th house conjunct the Vertex but in the natal chart he can’t really capitalize on transforming his relationship because the orb is too wide. This will force Obama to step out of his Obi Wan Chief Administrator role and into a ‘bad ass’ I’m the Commander-in-Chief role of which he was elected. You see, no one in the cabinet or White House staff possesses the positioning to tell General McCrystal to hold his roll except the President. Will McCrystal yield?

As you can surmise, this does not look like an easy road for Obama. He will be working under the stress of Saturn, Libra, 8th house opposing the Aries Point in the 2nd house. Both square McCrystal’s Pluto, Capricorn, conjunct Mercury in the 11th house. But McCrystal may be playing a dangerous game as his statements and actions will oppose his Commander-in-Chief personally. See the outermost transit of Pluto conjunct Mercury opposing the innermost Venus, Cancer, 5th house.

Will Obi Wan Succumb to the Enemy

But more importantly, watch those secret enemies in the 12th house! The Obama-McCrystal rift will have them salivating and moving into position. Will this be good for our President whose Natal Moon will be at 3 degrees Gemini, 4th house when the Afghanistan Sesquiquadrate occurs? Remember, the first few degrees of Gemini are Pleiades. Saturn, Libra 8th house is aspecting Obama’s Gemini Moon. This is the same devil Saturn who stirred up all the trouble at Fort Hood on November 4. The same devil Saturn that stood square to Pluto and opposed the Aries Point when Nidal Malik Hasan opened fire on his comrades. Will controlled response and integrity (Obi Wan) cost Obama in the balance? He cannot hide or bury himself in diplomatic affairs with this one. Besides, the Saturn-Pluto-Mars aspects that encompass 3 of the 4 quadrants in the charts below will only flush him out.

Take heart, Obama may get some help from his own cloak and dagger crew, but his Obi Wan side may get the better of him if he ties to restrict their response reasoning that he does not want to get caught in the muddle of details outside the responsibility of his office. Check out the 12th house in Capricorn for the innermost Saturn conjunct Jupiter, then the middle inner North Node conjunct the middle outer Part of Fortune and then the middle outer North Node conjunct the outermost North Node.

Stay tuned for a another installment of the Timeline ‘Out of the Shadows’ chronicling the effects of the Afghanistan Sesquisquadrate on the Reform Eclipse events during The Rise of Obama.

Hey, I could be wrong.


Pomp and Circumstance emerges from Sun trine Sun

23 11 2009

The Rise of Obama – Part 22
The Betty
When President Barack Obama headed for China, the transiting Sun waxed toward a trine with the Reform Eclipse of July 21, 2009.
Out of the shadows of the Reform Eclipse, pomp and circumstance filled the news. Hamid Karzai vowed ‘reform’ as he assumed a second term in beleagured Afghanistan, the Pope opened his doors to Anglicans, and the White House prepared for its first State Dinner under the Obama Administration.
Here’s a recap of this weeks events The Betty has captured in the Timeline for the Desire for Reforms Eclipse called ‘Out of the Shadows.’
Can’t See: Double Click Image to Enlarge!
Can’t See: Double Click Image to Enlarge!
Can’t See: Double Click Image to Enlarge!
Sun trine Sun, Moon conjunct North Node, Saturn conjunct MC, Venus conjunct Part of Fortune, Jupiter trine Venus, and Mercury trine Mercury left those affected and working the most difficult situations in a good mood. Yes, Saturn and Pluto nearly square like in November 4th’s Fort Hood Chart. But the good feeling transits of the inner planets work miracles at canceling out the weighty and heavy matters spurred by the Part of Saturn on the descendant and Pluto conjunct Vertex in the 10th house. In fact, our news was filled with the positive side of Reform. But that old devil Saturn had his way in China as the country admitted to its failing efforts at saving miners buried deep underground.
Can’t See: Double Click Image to Enlarge!
President Obama returned home with a great diplomatic achievement under his belt. His return from Asia was heralded with a Sun trine Sun event. According to the tri-wheel chart below President Obama felt encouraged by the week’s accomplishments even though most of his time away was filled with the pomp and circumstance of foreign affairs diplomacy. Yet, despite his achievements, it appears as if his enemies were waiting at the gate when he landed. In the tri-wheel view below, the transiting Sun is conjunct Obama’s natal MC in the 12th house of Secret Enemies.
Can’t See: Double Click Image to Enlarge!
Cross purposes may be the theme of the tri-wheel chart below. First, we have the Nov 21 ’09 Sun reaping karma in the 12th house of secret enemies. Second we have a distinct 1st and 7th house conflict as the President communicates the tentative agreements he made in China and Korea. The US economy is not strong enough to sustained a leading role in all arenas of conflict around the world. So our President may have had to make concessions that will: (1) keep the economy in check, and (2) keep our enemies under a sensitive thumb.
Can’t See: Double Click Image to Enlarge!
Look for more updates as the transiting Sun makes a 144 degree angle to the Reform Eclipse affecting the terrain and political outlook of The Rise of Obama.