Castrated Corpse Found: Public Option Dead, Depp Hatted

18 12 2009

Bi-Quintile Event Round-up

The Healthcare Public Option, the Drug Makers Lobby, the death of Oral Roberts, the appearance of the 4th Horseman of the Apocalypse, the test launch of the new Boeing 787 ( ), and Santa’s arrest, highlight the events generated by the bi-quintile.

The Bi-quintile is part of a family or series of aspect that divide the 360 degree circular horoscope by fifths. For example, 72 degrees is one-fifth of the circle and 144 degrees is two-fifths of the circle. Robert Hand describes the bi-quintile in his book Horoscope Symbols as more powerful than all “three-series aspects except for the trine.” The Bi-quintile is noted as the aspect of talent and genius. Conversely, Bil Tierney in his book Dynamics of Aspect Analysis relies on Johann Kepler’s fifth harmonic definition calling the appearance of a bi-quintile a harbinger of “use and abuse of power and authority.”

This week we saw a lot of both. Yet, this particular bi-quintile theme seemed to center around the use and abuse of money. For example, during Climate Talks poor G-77 countries walked out because the reforms were too costly for them to consider. To save the talks, wealthier countries agreed to ante-up subsidies to assist their G-77 family (

Similarly, during the Health Reform debate in the Senate the Drug makers Lobby emerged as the big gorilla in the room fearing its loss of market share to Japan. Joe Lieberman (my crazy neighbor from Connecticut – who obviously lost his mind on a dark night zooming thru the Merritt Parkway), tossed in his monkey wrench castrating the Healthcare Reform Bill’s Public Option ( ).
But it was Citigroup and other bailed out banks that were the real barons of the bi-quintile making off with millions of dollars in tax breaks. ( )
Even Jack Lalanne, who owes his popularity to longevity, got caught up in the money wave admitting his reluctance to throw in the towel by undergoing a serious heart operation at age 95. Personally, I want to believe his reasons were altruistic.

But the big bi-quintile lifesaver went to the Guantanamo Bay Detainees. Washington announced plans on Tuesday to renovate an old Illinois ‘Big House’ (prison) to contain them ( )

The Bi-quintile aspect went exact on Monday, December 14 at 4:00 pm eastern standard time. World renown astrologers like Robert Hand and Bil Tierney note that no more than 1.5 degrees should be given as orb. So the bi-quintile’s effects will last until the morning of Thursday, December 17 eastern standard time. Featured in this week’s blog are three chart views. Up first is the Desire for Reform Eclipse and the Bi-quintile Transits and second is Johnny Depp.


Uses and Abuses

In this view the Desire for Reform Eclipse is the inner wheel and the Bi-quintile Transits is the outer wheel. My first visual observation were the two quincunxes (150 degrees) that sprang up as the bi-quintile transiting Sun made its 144 degree angle to the Desire for Reform Eclipse Sun. The quincunxes involve Saturn, Jupiter, Mars and the Vertex. Still holding is the square between cardinal houses in the Reform Eclipse. This involves Pluto, Capricorn ,10th house and transiting Saturn, Libra, 7th house. Below is a summary of the aspects and their meanings.

Transiting Neptune-Jupiter, Aquarius, 8th house quincunx Reform Eclipse Saturn-Vertex, Virgo, 7th house. The Vertex is anchoring this quincunx connection between Saturn and Neptune-Jupiter. The Saturn-Vertex combination often brings problems in the house that Saturn rules. In the Reform Eclipse chart, Saturn rules the 11th house. In the Bi-quintile Transit chart, Saturn rules the 8th and 9th houses. In the bi-wheel view shown, the transiting 8th and 9th houses fall in the Reform Eclipse’s 12th house of secret enemies. We met up with many illusions on the political front that confused us. Most notable was how President Obama led us to believe he was taking a hard line on Wall Street, then poof Citigroup and other bailed out banks walk away with a rosy tax break totaling in the tens of millions of dollars – at our expense no less! Was there some disconnect in the White House briefing room or was it another secret enemy disguised as an Obama supporter in the Oval Office who happened to help Obama write his very uranian Today Show comments. Where’s Rahm! This aspect also forms what Bil Tierney calls the upper quincunx or the “death quincunx.” Sadly, Oral Roberts the famous television evangelist died at age 91 (, and right before the bi-quintile vanished Cincinnati Bengals receiver Chris Henry died, one day after falling out of the back of a pickup truck in what authorities described as a domestic dispute with his fiancee.   He was 26. (
Transiting Bi-quintile Sun Sagittarius, 7th house square Reform Eclipse Saturn-Vertex, 5th house. The Vertex is anchoring this quincunx connection between Saturn and Neptune-Jupiter. What could go wrong with the Sun in Sagittarius? It’s Christmas, the kids are coming out of school, the downtown streets are decorated, and Christmas Carols are playing on the radio. Well, Murphy’s Law emerged the winner morphing warm holiday tidings into a cold chill with Saturn-Vertex. This combination often brings problems in the house Saturn rules. In the Reform Eclipse Chart Saturn rules the 11th house. In the Transit chart Saturn rules the 8th and 9th houses. In the bi wheel view shown, the 8th and 9th houses of the transit chart move to the 12th house of secret enemies. Joe Lieberman rose as a secret yet powerful enemy of President Obama’s Healthcare Reform Bill. Lieberman successfully frustrated Obama’s efforts by winning his bid to remove the Public Option which would have rolled back the Medicare age to 55. Also under the influence of Saturn-Vertex were the G-77 nations  who responded with a protest when they saw they were being taken for a ride. Our G-77 folk stalled Climate Talks with a ‘walk-out’ until their funding issues were given an appropriate platform for discussion ( ).
Transiting Vertex, Scorpio, 8th House quincunx Reform Eclipse Mars, Gemini, 3rd house. My followers already know that President Obama has received the most death threats of any president of our time – bar none. This was one of the reasons why I created this blog ( )  Yesterday, details of a plan were leaked outlining the military’s contingency actions in case violence sprang up in the US due to hostile War protests. Well, what’s the big secret?  Remember, the 8th house is also referred to as the house of secrets. The big secret we won’t hear from our President is the new scope of the War initiatives. I wrote about this in an earlier blog called Opium Heroin War (
Transiting Bi-quintile Sun within cusp of quincunx to Reform Eclipse Sun-Moon. Evidence of willful and intense desires surfaced this week as the Drug maker Lobbyist groups emerged as the gorilla in the room concerning healthcare reform. Their campaign contributions total in the hundreds of millions of dollars. Many U.S. Senators obviously took note of this ( ).  Also of note was the protester dressed as the 4th Horseman in the Apocalypse outside the Copenhagen Climate Talks. This was obviously spurred by an intense desire for their message to be visualized – we got it!

Bi-quintile’s Creative Talent and Genius-Johnny Depp

People Magazine’s Sexiest Man of the Year shares his Cancerian North Node with Hugh Hefner. Realizing that it was not easy to get away with even the smallest of crimes, due in large part to Uranus and Mars in the first house, Depp lives largely isolated from the American public in the Bahamas and Europe. He needs this in order to balance his home, family, career and possibly some very special health condition he’s been managing since childhood. Home is very important to Depp who emerged from insecure yet middle class conditions. This means he had to work three times as hard as the next guy to mold the life he wanted to lead. Note Depp’s Chiron in Pisces, 8th house. Now remember, Depp was born in Kentucky but if you were to encounter him today his accent would probably resemble a blue blooded British bloke with ties to the crown. It appears, Depp worked hard to distance himself from a past that may have been a little too chaotic (or redneck?). Over the years, true maturity and success for Depp was achieved only after he constructively touched base with his feminine side indicated by Venus and Mercury, Taurus, 10th house. One interesting aspect I noted is Saturn in Aquarius, 7th house square Mercury in Taurus, 10th house. Mercury is in the decanate of Saturn! I can almost hear him tell his accountant, and Disney executes: “I don’t see how this adds up, can you run those numbers again-with all my exceptions and exclusions-please?”

But I think the Arabic Parts in Johnny Depp’s birth chart provide valuable links to his story:

Part of Kings and Sultans is in Sagittarius, 5th house conjunct Vertex and sextile Saturn in Aquarius 7th House. The Vertex brought Depp an event that released the child within. From this point on he was able to maintain audiences with the rich and powerful of the world. Sadly, this notoriety may have restricted meaningful relationships for him early on. In order to overcome the latter, Depp had to go deep and make some hard choices.
Part of Sudden Elevation in Leo, 1st house. This point acts like Jupiter attracting the greater benefit to the personal life. It forms a disassociated conjunction with Depp’s Uranus in Virgo. This occurs when there is a relationship between two planets or points in different signs and/or houses. At 27 degrees Leo, Depp’s Part of Sudden Elevation trines his Vertex in Sagittarius, 5th house. Because the Part of Elevation acts like Jupiter, Depp has a concealed Winner’s Aspect which helps him win most contests he enters.
Part of Feminine Seduction in Scorpio is no surprise conjunct Neptune, 4th house. What is surprising is that this part trines Depp’s Chiron, in the decanate of the Moon, Pisces, 8th house. This is a sign of a very sensitive man who can keep babes swooning (Watch out Tiger!).
Part of Collectors in Leo, decanate of Jupiter, 12th house conjunct Ascendant. Depp has a way of coming across treasure that no one else is really looking for or recognizes as valuable. This maybe why he commands some of the most odd yet creative roles generated by Hollywood to date. Or, on ordinary days, he’s always coming across treasure like lost change, tickets, broken gold momentos, or lost lottery tickets. The next time you misplace a valuable, call Depp. Chances are, he found it!
Part of Large Bodies in Aquarius, 7th House. Yes Ladies! Johnny Depp has to watch his weight especially when he’s slap happy satisfied in a loving caring relationship.

Fate’s Magic Wand

About 2-weeks ago, Actor Johnny Depp sped over from his private island to pick up an award for his life’s work at the Bahama International Film Festival

And, just before the Bi-quintile Transit began waning, the world got a glimpse of the trailer for Alice in Wonderland due in theaters by March 2010. Now can you guess what face showed in nearly every shot. You guessed it – Johnny Depp! The Bi-quintile is noted as the aspect for talent and genius. That’s why for the last 3 or 4 days, the Desire for Reforms Eclipse – with help from the bi-quintile transit – has been bringing this to the fore.

From Matinée Swashbuckler to Classical Movie Superstar.

But most importantly, bi-quintiles don’t inspire creative genius in everyone unless they’ve reached a level of maturity that allows the genius to flow into the life. This is why I believe bi-quintiles are more powerful in transit aspects to an individual then in a birth chart. It’s like the cosmos waiting to determine whether you’re really ready for it! From the looks of things, Johnny Depp is closing a very important chapter in his movie career (swashbuckler, pirate) and opening a new one with unexpected turns, twists, and audiences (Sweeney Todd, Alice in Wonderland). Below is a tri-wheel view depicting Johnny Depp’s birth chart on the inner wheel, the Bi-quintile Transits in the middle wheel and the Desire for Reforms Eclipse on the outer wheel. My first visual observation was that the Desire for Reforms Eclipse Sun-Moon are in Depp’s 12th house of endings and secret enemies. This year Depp has or will find out something important, shut it down and begin anew.  He’ll marshal a great deal of help and support as indicated by the gifts of luck and fortune the Bi-quintile Transit bestowed on his creative genius. I’m sure he’s exhaling: “’s about time!”

I’m not done yet! I can’t be until after the quincunx. So, up next is the Transiting Quincunx Sun, and what it brings to the Desire for Reform Eclipse of July 21, 2009 during our days of witness to The Rise of Obama.

Nude Provocateuse

About the Series: Since the time of the Pharoahs, eclipses have marked our major historical events especially the rise and fall of empires. The Rise of Obama Series (TRO) by The Nude Provocateuse (aka The_Betty) is based on the premise that the Eclipse of August 1, 2008 was the astronomical event opening the road for Barack Obama’s assent to the presidency, and the Desire for Reforms Eclipse of July 21, 2009 is responsible for influencing his 2009-10 political agenda.  This series is written as News, Political News, News and Commentary, and serves as basic astrological research not for profit or resale in accordance with the Copyright Act of 1976, 17 USC, Section 107. To learn more about this code go to: or email me at

Clash of the Titans: Obama v McCrystal

26 11 2009
The Rise of Obama – Part 24

President Obama’s address to the nation on Tuesday is an attempt to reform U.S. military positioning that will allow NATO (watch India) a chance to whip Hamid Karzai’s Afghan Army into shape. As you may recall, Hiliary helped clear the way for this strategy by demanding that Karzai get his allied war lords up to speed on the changes that will occur with the upcoming troop build-up. She also warned Karzai of the consequences if he continued to turn a blind eye to the graft and bribery within his government.

Trouble in the House Saturn Rules

On Tuesday, Dec 1, 2009 the transiting Sun will be exactly 130 degrees from the Desire for Reforms Eclipse Sun-Moon. The transiting Sun is headed toward a sesquisquadrate aspect with the Reforms Eclipse Sun. Traditionally, a sesquisquadrate is a 135 degree aspect that brings change and instability.

So be prepared to hear one of Obama’s best ‘rally em to the cause’ speeches yet via transiting Venus in Sagg, 10th house conjunct his Midheaven in Scorpio. He will speak of all things to all people. He will evoke American pride, values, and relationships via transiting Sun conjunct Vertex in Sagg 10th house. As our Commander in Chief, he will convey honesty and humility about agreements that have been broken, transformed, changed, and situations that have become dangerous via the Part of Saturn and the Lots of Manilus in the 7th house of the Reform Eclipse. He will appeal to the heart of Americans as he unveils his new plan for the American troop build-up in Afghanistan. He will speak of reforming America’s vision for Afghanistan due to the Reform Eclipse Sun and Moon trining his Midheaven. But, on December 1, 2009, Obama will be speaking to Americans during a waxing sesquisquadrate aspect between the transiting Sun and the Reforms Eclipse Sun. So expect Obama to unveil changes that may stun some in his own administration breeding anger, jealousy, resentment and a general feeling of instability among the ranks. This instability will give rise to a Saturn-Pluto-Mars conflict, due in large part, to the Saturn conjunct Vertex and Mars conjunct Vertex aspects in the 7th house. This Saturn conjunct Vertex aspect usually conveys trouble in the house Saturn rules. In the Reforms Eclipse Chart, Saturn rules the 11th house where Pluto resides.

The McCrystal Effect

A few months ago, in anticipation of the need for troop build-up in Afghanistan, General McCrystal leaked to the press his desired troop levels and the reasons for this need without clearing it through the White House. This blind-sided members of the Obama Administration who were immediately thrust into media damage control. I predict something similar will happen, and General McCrystal will be the source. But more importantly, this action will be the last straw for Obama due to a Mars conjunct Moon transit in the 4th house squaring his natal Pluto in the 7th. Obama may have to discharge his Obi Wan persona for a time and aggressively deal with The McCrystal Effect. BTW, I did not see General McCrystal on the list of invitees to the White House State Dinner. If I’m wrong, I’ll stand corrected. The triwheel chart below depicts Obama’s Natal chart in the inner wheel, the Reforms Eclipse chart in the middle wheel, and the Afghan Strategy Speech in the outer wheel.

As the transiting Sun makes an exact sesquisquadrate contact to the Eclipse Sun on Sunday, December 6th expect last minute changes due to unraveling details unbeknown to the president during his address to the nation. This will bring a throng of enemies to Obama’s gate with scathing and doubt filled editorial opinions about instability in the ranks. In brief, expect differences in what General McCrystal needs and what the President told the American people he can give to surface. General McCrystal may even try some more ‘one-up-manship’ on his Commander-in-Chief by beating him to the media with precision like leaks in an effort to gain funding and autonomy.

McCrystal is our Pluto and Obama our Mars
In the quadriwheel view Obama’s Natal chart is the innermost, the Reforms chart is the middle inner, the Afghan Speech is the middle outer and the Afghan Sesquiquadrate chart is the outermost. When you examine this view you’ll see that Mars is on the right side of the chart and Pluto is predominately on the left side. McCrystal is our Pluto and Obama our Mars. Obama does have Pluto in the 7th house conjunct the Vertex but in the natal chart he can’t really capitalize on transforming his relationship because the orb is too wide. This will force Obama to step out of his Obi Wan Chief Administrator role and into a ‘bad ass’ I’m the Commander-in-Chief role of which he was elected. You see, no one in the cabinet or White House staff possesses the positioning to tell General McCrystal to hold his roll except the President. Will McCrystal yield?

As you can surmise, this does not look like an easy road for Obama. He will be working under the stress of Saturn, Libra, 8th house opposing the Aries Point in the 2nd house. Both square McCrystal’s Pluto, Capricorn, conjunct Mercury in the 11th house. But McCrystal may be playing a dangerous game as his statements and actions will oppose his Commander-in-Chief personally. See the outermost transit of Pluto conjunct Mercury opposing the innermost Venus, Cancer, 5th house.

Will Obi Wan Succumb to the Enemy

But more importantly, watch those secret enemies in the 12th house! The Obama-McCrystal rift will have them salivating and moving into position. Will this be good for our President whose Natal Moon will be at 3 degrees Gemini, 4th house when the Afghanistan Sesquiquadrate occurs? Remember, the first few degrees of Gemini are Pleiades. Saturn, Libra 8th house is aspecting Obama’s Gemini Moon. This is the same devil Saturn who stirred up all the trouble at Fort Hood on November 4. The same devil Saturn that stood square to Pluto and opposed the Aries Point when Nidal Malik Hasan opened fire on his comrades. Will controlled response and integrity (Obi Wan) cost Obama in the balance? He cannot hide or bury himself in diplomatic affairs with this one. Besides, the Saturn-Pluto-Mars aspects that encompass 3 of the 4 quadrants in the charts below will only flush him out.

Take heart, Obama may get some help from his own cloak and dagger crew, but his Obi Wan side may get the better of him if he ties to restrict their response reasoning that he does not want to get caught in the muddle of details outside the responsibility of his office. Check out the 12th house in Capricorn for the innermost Saturn conjunct Jupiter, then the middle inner North Node conjunct the middle outer Part of Fortune and then the middle outer North Node conjunct the outermost North Node.

Stay tuned for a another installment of the Timeline ‘Out of the Shadows’ chronicling the effects of the Afghanistan Sesquisquadrate on the Reform Eclipse events during The Rise of Obama.

Hey, I could be wrong.


Pomp and Circumstance emerges from Sun trine Sun

23 11 2009

The Rise of Obama – Part 22
The Betty
When President Barack Obama headed for China, the transiting Sun waxed toward a trine with the Reform Eclipse of July 21, 2009.
Out of the shadows of the Reform Eclipse, pomp and circumstance filled the news. Hamid Karzai vowed ‘reform’ as he assumed a second term in beleagured Afghanistan, the Pope opened his doors to Anglicans, and the White House prepared for its first State Dinner under the Obama Administration.
Here’s a recap of this weeks events The Betty has captured in the Timeline for the Desire for Reforms Eclipse called ‘Out of the Shadows.’
Can’t See: Double Click Image to Enlarge!
Can’t See: Double Click Image to Enlarge!
Can’t See: Double Click Image to Enlarge!
Sun trine Sun, Moon conjunct North Node, Saturn conjunct MC, Venus conjunct Part of Fortune, Jupiter trine Venus, and Mercury trine Mercury left those affected and working the most difficult situations in a good mood. Yes, Saturn and Pluto nearly square like in November 4th’s Fort Hood Chart. But the good feeling transits of the inner planets work miracles at canceling out the weighty and heavy matters spurred by the Part of Saturn on the descendant and Pluto conjunct Vertex in the 10th house. In fact, our news was filled with the positive side of Reform. But that old devil Saturn had his way in China as the country admitted to its failing efforts at saving miners buried deep underground.
Can’t See: Double Click Image to Enlarge!
President Obama returned home with a great diplomatic achievement under his belt. His return from Asia was heralded with a Sun trine Sun event. According to the tri-wheel chart below President Obama felt encouraged by the week’s accomplishments even though most of his time away was filled with the pomp and circumstance of foreign affairs diplomacy. Yet, despite his achievements, it appears as if his enemies were waiting at the gate when he landed. In the tri-wheel view below, the transiting Sun is conjunct Obama’s natal MC in the 12th house of Secret Enemies.
Can’t See: Double Click Image to Enlarge!
Cross purposes may be the theme of the tri-wheel chart below. First, we have the Nov 21 ’09 Sun reaping karma in the 12th house of secret enemies. Second we have a distinct 1st and 7th house conflict as the President communicates the tentative agreements he made in China and Korea. The US economy is not strong enough to sustained a leading role in all arenas of conflict around the world. So our President may have had to make concessions that will: (1) keep the economy in check, and (2) keep our enemies under a sensitive thumb.
Can’t See: Double Click Image to Enlarge!
Look for more updates as the transiting Sun makes a 144 degree angle to the Reform Eclipse affecting the terrain and political outlook of The Rise of Obama.

Fort Hood and Jul 21 Eclipse – A Timeline

12 11 2009

As the Sun approaches 120 degrees from its July 21, 2009 Eclipse point, events involving the lost, lost at sea, buried, war, destruction, reneged agreements and George Bush’s Axis of Evil punctuate our news. For starters, 10-days after the Sun began separating from its square to the Sun in the July 21 09 Eclipse Chart, the Associated Press reported on October 31, 09 that North Korea was the source of high-profile cyberattacks. The cyberattacks took place in July 09 (talk about buried news) and caused Web outages in South Korea and the United States. Pirating has regained less than glamorous attention as the terrorist’s choice in the Gulf of Oman. Palestinian and Afghan candidates have walked away from the opportunity to lead due to reneged agreements. President Obama’s diplomatic efforts were met with a smack in the face as violence erupted in Peshawar upon Hilliary Clinton’s arrival. U.S. Military psychiatrist Nidal Malik Hasan opens fire on unarmed colleagues at Fort Hood. The US Congress, under the leadership of Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi, finally passes a Healthcare Reform Bill. And lastly, President Obama is photographed silently trudging through Arlington National Cemetery in anticipation of honoring our young men and women lost in war and proudly buried on one of America’s most sacred grounds.

The Desire for Reforms are vast and may prove overwhelming.

Below is the continuation of the Timeline The_Betty started back in July 2009. It’s purpose is to track the major events triggered by the Desire for Reforms Eclipse of July 21, 2009. As of this writing, October and November 2009 may prove to be two of the most dynamic months in the Eclipse’s 2-year lifespan.

The_Betty welcomes your comments, especially suggestions on key events to tracks and the transits that may impact them.

Keep Star Gazing,
